I’m going to do it my way, I trust you will feel me in the words I share.
I know you want it to be more complicated, trust me I get it!
I spent YEARS in my business looking up to mentors and leaders wondering what it was they had that I did not. What did they have or what were they DOING that I wasn’t and how could I replicate it. It was EXHAUSTING and pretty soul-destroying to be honest.
When I realised that the person who is going to get me to the 7 figure empire with an array of books, speaking engagements and an epic online following of BASASSES, was and is ME, it was such a relief. I felt like I could breathe again and business and life got to be FUN again!
Nobody else can create what YOU see inside of you. The vision and desire have been gifted to you because YOU ARE THE PERSON. Already. Right NOW. There is no secret to unlock other than to have faith and belief in yourself coupled with the tenacity and audacity to keep fucking going even when it looks like the thing is never going to happen.
Hold fast to the vision and watch miracles occur. You are already worthy of what you desire and I BELIEVE IN YOU.
Really though. What if you just KNEW that you showing up each day exactly as you are was enough?
That there was no trying or striving to be done and that the real work to do is the inner work of uncovering and discovering yourself in a deeper and more authentic way.
What if attracting clients, money, opportunities was as easy as just boldly speaking your truth and trusting that the people who resonate and need you most will be MAGNETISED to you?
Imagine that!
A life where you being you is not just enough, but it is EVERYTHING that needs to be done in order for you to have it all. This my beauty, is the work that you and I will do and oh how beautiful your life will be.
“Dissolve limitations and cultivate the unshakeable confidence of the person who asks for what they want and get’s to have it all.
…THIS is the work.”
Any time you give me a stage and a group of people to whom I can speak – whether that is in person, a podcast or a livestream, I feel that my conscious mind is set aside and I become the channel for whatever needs to be said to have the deepest impact on the listener.
When it comes to the energetics and mindset around business, money and authentic expression, I always have a unique take on how to shift anyone into action and have a habit of making people feel ANYTHING is possible.
Whether through coaching or speaking, I get everyone in the room activated into their power and passion. I’m like the gas on the fire of their desires – ooh yeah that IS as juicy as it sounds. Through vulnerable, powerful and ALWAYS entertaining story telling, I allow people the space to feel into themselves and where they too have been holding themselves back.
My use of humour combined with the ability to hold the room in the most potent emotionally charged energy mean that it is impossible NOT to FEEL something when I am speaking.
I live what I preach and have seen time and time again that my way of BEING is an example of shameless and empowered self expression and just by being in the room I eminate a field of PERMISSION like no other.
Whether your event is business, wellbeing or spiritually focussed, I tailor the topics of my content to fit your brief, but will always bring my own flavour so expect the unexpected.
As an ‘on the spot’ intuitive I read to the energy of the room and co-create with the audience.
This makes for a one of a kind experience – no 2 talks are EVER alike so you can be sure you’re getting something that your attendees and clients will not receive anywhere else.
I am not just running a business.
I am creating a movement and you will NOT want to miss out on being a part it. Contact me today if you would like me to speak at one of your events.
“Georgina is awesome. Her energy is infectious and when she leads a room she really knows how to activate peoples power and bring the ruckus!”
– Dane Tomas, Founder of The Spiral Institute
I am Certified Advanced EFT and NLP Practitioner based in Jersey. I came to EFT after discovering it as an amazing tool to overcome grief after the loss of a close friend over 8 years ago. Since then, I have used EFT to combat blocks and issues in all areas of my life from injury (I was stabbed and EFT assisted in the healing of the wound when I was on the list for a skin graft because the hospital had run out of options) to getting further in my career. I am a member of the AAMET and practice in Jersey C.I.
What is EFT?
The AAMET manual on EFT states, “Scientists postulate that we have up to 750,000 thoughts a day. Each of these thoughts change the chemistry of the brain which in turn affects our body. If we focus on a distressing memory it disrupts the body’s electrical energy system. If we tap on certain acupuncture points at the same time, the body releases electrochemical messengers that help unblock the stuck energy. The result is that the emotional charge attached to the memory is detached. A bit like taking an electrical plug out of a socket. Afterwards, the memory may still be there but there is no negative emotion tied to it”
My Current Qualifications.
• Level 3 Advanced EFT Practitioner and member of the AAMET
• NLP Practitioner (Certified through Pegasus NLP)
• Level 3 – CPCAB Counselling Studies
• Fully insured with Holistic Insurance Services
What if …
Every time you felt anxious, you could escape it and replace it with feeling deeply grounded and safe?
What if…
Every time you feel like you have upset someone or let somebody down and the suffocating panic descends upon you…
Instead of spiralling out of control, you could reach into your emotional toolkit and pull out a tangible resource to turn the volume down enough to be able to remember that you are good and kind and that you are beating yourself up for no reason and then…
like magic…
you’re laughing at the original problem because you see that it was just past programming trying to keep you safe.
What if..?
Well, it is ALL possible!
If you have any questions about whether this EFT Training is for you, just send me a message.
“I’ve had breakthrough after breakthrough since discovering Georgina and her amazing work. She’s sharp and intuitive, with the kind of wit that keeps you laughing whilst you’re going through the pain of up-levelling. Don’t come with your excuses, she sees right through it. But expect to laugh your pants off through the transformation. Book her for your next event, you and your people will NOT be disappointed.”
– Mandy Tinglert, The Design Prose